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Abstract Details
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts: Advances and New Uses in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease
Clin Liver Dis. 2020 Aug;24(3):373-388. doi: 10.1016/j.cld.2020.04.007.Epub 2020 May 31.
Justin R Boike1, Steven L Flamm2
Author information
1Department of Medicine, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, 676 North St. Clair Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60611, USA. Electronic address:
2Hepatology Program, Department of Medicine, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts is an established treatment for portal hypertensive complications. Advancements in technology and technique have led to novel indications, including treatment of chronic portal vein thrombosis and use before abdominal surgery to alleviate portal hypertensive complications. Use of TIPS can facilitate the embolization of large portal-systemic shunts to alleviate refractory hepatic encephalopathy owing to excessive portal shunting. Despite these advances, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts is an invasive procedure with risk for complications and should be performed at a center with expertise to ensure a successful patient outcome.