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Abstract Details
Depression, anxiety and alexithymia symptoms are major determinants of health related quality of life (HRQoL) in cirrhotic patients
Nardelli S, Pentassuglio I, Pasquale C, Ridola L, Moscucci F, Merli M, Mina C, Marianetti M, Fratino M, Izzo C, Merkel C, Riggio O. Metab Brain Dis. 2013 Jan 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Department of Clinical Medicine, Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Portal Hypertension, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
HRQoL is impaired in cirrhosis. Establishing the relevance of depression, anxiety, alexithymia and cirrhosis stage on the patients' HRQoL. Sixty cirrhotics underwent a neuropsychological assessment, including ZUNG-SDS, STAI Y1-Y2 and TAS-20. Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) was detected by PHES, HRQoL by Short-Form-36 (SF-36). Depression was detected in 34 patients (57 %, 95%CI = 44-70 %), state-anxiety in 16 (27 %, 95%CI = 15-38 %), trait-anxiety in 17 (28 %, 95%CI = 17-40 %), alexithymia in 14 (31 % 95%CI = 16-46 %) and MHE in 22 (37 %, 95%CI = 24-49 %). Neuropsychological symptoms were unrelated to cirrhosis stage, hepatocellular carcinoma or MHE. A significant correlation was observed among psychological test scores and summary components of SF-36. At multiple linear regression analysis including Child-Pugh and MELD scores, previous-HE and the psychological test scores as possible covariates, alexithymia and depression as well as to the Child-Pugh score were significantly related to the SF-36 mental component; while trait-anxiety was the only variable significantly and independently related to the SF-36 physical component. Depression, state and trait-anxiety and alexithymia symptoms are frequent in cirrhotics and are among the major determinants of the altered HRQoL.