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Abstract Details
Associations of HCV Knowledge and Medical Mistrust with Being Screened for HCV and Offered HCV Treatment among People with HIV
J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2021;32(2):1019-1033. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2021.0077.
Laura M Bogart, Vivian L Towe, Erik D Storholm, Lisa Wagner, Rebecca Weir, Sara Woody, Susan Robilotto
Author information
An estimated one-fourth of people with HIV in the U.S. are coinfected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). We examined patient-related correlates of HCV screening and treatment in a convenience sample of 1,853 HIV-positive adults in Connecticut, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Overall, 85.1% reported being screened for HCV, and 30.8% reported ever being offered treatment. In multivariate logistic regressions, greater HCV knowledge, lower HCV-related medical mistrust, older age, and prior substance use treatment were associated with higher screening and treatment likelihoods. For screening, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program eligibility, having a high school education or less, and identifying as "other" race/ethnicity were additionally significant. Mistrust, which has arisen as a response to centuries of systemic racism, mediated the association between combined Black/Latino race/ethnicity and lower screening likelihood. We recommend patient-level (e.g., peer navigation) and provider interventions to integrate HCV screening and treatment into HIV care.